

A Conversation with Rocky, CEO of Exile



ne of the biggest meanings behind my work is to make the unaccepted accepted.”

Rockyvens Pierre-Louis is a designer from Hillside New Jersey. Rocky started his brand Exile Worldwide on February 21, 2019. He treats his clothes like portraits, expressing his artistic side through fashion. Each piece has deeper meanings and hidden messages.

 I have known Rocky for nearly a year now. Thoughtful and open-minded, he embodies hard work and cares deeply about his brand. As we caught up over FaceTime, I asked him a few questions so the population could get to know him.


 Biggest inspirations

X (Xxxtentacion), because he helped me open up and realize that it's okay to be myself and not let what’s happening around me influence my true self in any bad way. If there is positivity around me, let it in, if there is negativity, acknowledge it, and if there is no lesson to be learned from it, dismiss it. 

Juice Wrld is another big inspiration. I can’t design without listening to him. His work ethic motivates me to work harder, and the inspiration runs even deeper than music. My biggest goal at one point was for him to know about the brand that he was inspiring, he gets the creative juices flowing. Although I can no longer accomplish that goal, I am still thankful that my work has been in his presence, in the same room. I am thankful that all the work I put into the brand and my strong desire and willingness to put my work next to him manifested.

In terms of fashion, the brand Half Evil inspires me, I like Half Evil Sam, another one is Dylan Grails, the founder of the brand Worldwide Youth. And most importantly, Garette of REVENGE, I like his message and what he stands for as far as what I know from what he shares with his supporters. He named the brand revenge because that’s exactly what the brand is. The success of the brand is his revenge on those who doubted him.

Finally, I’d list myself as my biggest inspiration. I inspire myself because I know everything I've been through and that pushes me to keep going. I didn’t have an easy past, I experienced a lot at a young age, yet I was always okay, but I wasn’t...and it was no one’s fault but my own, I spent too much time in my head. But the fact that I had to deal with so much so early, is what allowed me to open my eyes and realize that I have a lot of inspiration that lives on inside of me. I like to meditate and let my inner voice inspire me.

 Meaning behind your work

The meaning behind my work is hope. When I think of all the work I’ve put in I see progress and that’s enough for me, as long as I’m always progressing towards the position I want to be in, I will never settle and where I'm headed there is no limit. And with that I hope to inspire others to better themselves and to not live for anyone but themselves. Fuck trying to impress the ones who have nothing to do with your journey through life.

Positivity is another meaning behind the brand. I’m all about positivity. At some point I will add a twist to that though, because nothing in this world is completely positive, everything has a negative side to it. Perfection doesn’t exist, but reality can’t be ignored. Nothing is perfect but everything is real. Behind every beautiful thing, there is pain.

Finally, one of the biggest meanings behind my work is to make the unaccepted accepted.

 What motivates you

When it comes to motivation, it’s all my mom, dad, and my brother. Ever since my dad passed in 2016, I promised myself that I would do everything for him and our family. And because of that promise, I will never fail, I am blessed to be able to have a platform, many supporters and blessed enough to be able to positively influence, inspire, and educate. I won’t break my promise or take my blessings for granted. I always have a lot to say, and I always feel like if a good amount of people hear those things, it’s enough to help a majority of them. Besides that, the search for happiness motivates me. I want to find happiness at the end of the day. Materialistic things don’t really motivate me.

Message to aspiring Designers

Right now, I’m still in the beginning phases of it all, but I'm still progressing every day. It’s okay to be indecisive and confidence is key, your first few may not be the best, but through practice, you can improve. Also, a lot of designers let challenges get in their way, if you design using photoshop or illustrator, don’t be too hard on yourself, it may seem impossible to understand at first, but after using it gets familiar and becomes second nature. Just keep working and everything will come with time. 

The importance of Mental Health

When I speak on this, I never say everything I need to, because it’s that important to me. Even when I emphasize the importance, I'm still not emphasizing it enough. I went through a lot so I’m always dealing with demons, but I use that as inspiration. Most of my drops, I dropped because I was at a low point. My most recent drop had a smiley face and a broken heart. And it had to do with something in my life that was my happiness yet at the same time was damaging me. 

Time with yourself and your thoughts is important. Nobody has the same problems as you, nobody dealt with what you dealt with and nobody felt the things you felt, so at a certain point, it comes down to you helping yourself. That’s why your mental health comes first.

 Upcoming work

I’ve got a lot of stuff planned out. Got a few samples on the way, I'm always trying to outdo my last drop. I don’t know if I will be releasing anything for a while after July, because I'm really hard on myself. Even when my projects are finished, I don't consider them done, it always feels like something is missing. I have one project that I’ve been working on since February that I hope to set public in July.

The one I’m most excited about is a collab with the brand on1025 founded by Brynn McIntosh.

I also have a twist with the brand coming soon.

 His Message to His Younger Self

You bout to go through a lot (chuckles) 

Try to feel more instead of distracting myself from it, because I used to distract myself when dealing with hardship, but that fucked me up because that made me numb to everything. I don’t do that anymore, I deal with everything that comes with life, I take them in and learn from them.

Clothing from Exile

Clothing from Exile


Upcoming Work from Exile!


Check out Exile at exileworldwide.com and Follow Rocky’s Socials Below